Thursday, October 5, 2006

I'm not Lost. Are You?

So last night was the season premiere of Lost. The show continues to get creepier and creepier. My wife mentioned to me as we watched last night that she is not sure if she could take an entire season of watching Jack, Kate, and Sawyer get tortured. However, I don't think that is what will happen. I don't envision the three of them spending much longer with the "Others."

The episode started with a glimpse into the everyday life of the Others on the day that Flight 815 crashed on the island. We learned that "Ben," the head of the others directed Goodwin and Ethan to infiltrate the two groups of survivors. And we all know how that turned out. The thing I thought most amusing was the book club that was meeting in the opening scene. If you were paying attention, you noticed they were reading a Stephen King book. I am sure they were reading "The Langoliers" - a short story that appears in Four Past Midnight.

In the promo we saw for next week, we see that Sayid is going to mount a plan to free the three. It however, also showed Sun falling off the boat, which would be bad. But the season is underway and there are still lots of questions for which we have no answers. Stay tuned.

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