The death of John Lennon, December 8, 1980. Michelle Latessa, who sat next to me in homeroom moaned to all of us the next morning, "John Lennon is dead!"
The reelection of Ronald Reagan, 1984. While I could not yet vote, I worked at the polls as part of my political science class (I had to be involved in a campaign), and also called in the numbers from the polling place to the networks.
The Exxon Valdez spill, March 24, 1989. To this day, best friend will still not buy Exxon gas
The San Fransisco Earthquake, October 17, 1989. What was to be a routine watching of the World Series game, broadcast from Candlestick Park, became another chapter in tragedy, spawning even the forgettable TV movies.
The First Gulf War, 1989-1992. I remember sitting at the Syosset train station, waiting for my father to arrive, when the news was broadcast that we had begun bombing Baghdad.
The O.J. Simpson trial, 1995. While it was estimated that 91% of Americans were watching when the verdict was returned, ten years later, it seems we have had enough, with the pulling of the "interview" and "book" by Fox.
The Oklahoma City Bombing, April 19, 1995. I had just gotten to work at the department store where I was working and heard the news. It was particularly hard hitting, as we learned later that an employee's son (who worked for the Secret Service) was in Oklahoma City. She heard from him later that day. He reported that he had just left the building, when it exploded behind him.
What events do you remember? Where were you when . . . ?
I remember all those events, plus Elvis Presley's death. I'd like to forget the Reagan reelection night, tho.