Friday, February 2, 2007

The Great Kennebec Whatever Race

Astute readers of this blog will note I challenged one of the readers, Archivalist, who toils "somewhere in Maine," to tell me everything he knew about the race that occurs on the Kennebec River each year. This in response to a post on the Bangor Public Library's reference work.

I spent most summers in Maine and my mother had family that lived in Hallowell, overlooking the Kennebec. Watching the race is quite the experience. I would go so far as to say I relived the experience at the conclusion of the SAA Annual Meeting last year in Washington, DC, but I still can't talk about that.

Archivalist accused me of promoting some elitist agenda for the upper crust of Maine society. He could not be further from the truth. Perhaps it was my use of the word "regatta" - for that I apologize. The Great Kennebec Whatever Race takes place every year in June and, I have learned is actually codified in the Code of Federal Regulations. The things you can find out when you have a good search engine . . . but does it float?

[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 33, Volume 1]
[Revised as of July 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 33CFR100.108]

[Page 257]


Table of Contents Sec. 100.108
Great Kennebec River Whatever Race.

(a) Regulated Area. That portion of the Kennebec River, extending bank to bank, between the Maine Route 126 bridge (at latitude 44-14 North, longitude 69-46-15 West connecting Randolph and Gardiner, Maine) to the U.S. Route 201-202 bridge (at latitude 44-18-43 North, longitude 69-46-26 West in Augusta, Maine).

(b) Special Local Regulations. The following requirements will be placed on vessels operating within the regulated area during the effective period of regulation:

(1) All persons on board any vessel which does not possess a valid state registration or federal documentation shall at all times wear a Coast Guard approved Type I, II, or III personal flotation device (lifejacket).

(2) Spectator and/or transiting vessels shall not exceed five (5) mph or ``NO WAKE'' speed, whichever is slower.

(3) All vessels shall exercise extreme caution when operating near parade participants and shall be alert for disabled craft and persons possibly falling overboard.

(4) All vessel operators shall immediately follow any instruction given by Coast Guard patrol personnel.

(5) Coast Guard Auxiliarists will be patrolling the regatta to advise participants, spectators, and transiting vessels of the content of these regulations. (c) Effective period. This section is in effect from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on June 30, 1996, and each year thereafter on a date and times specified in a Federal Register notice. If the event is canceled due to weather, this section is effective the following day.

[CGD1 89-026, 54 FR 30036, July 18, 1989, as amended by CGDO1-96-016, 61 FR 26105, May 24, 1996; CGD 96-052, 62 FR 16702, Apr. 8, 1997]

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