Those agencies that deal with homeland security and intelligence fell in 2007, as well as the Veterans Affairs Department, which has had some difficulty with their computer equipment.
Here are the most trusted federal agencies:
- U.S. Postal Service - 83% (up to #1 from #2 last year)
- Federal Trade Commission - 80%
- Bureau of Consumer Protection - 79%
- National Institutes of Health - 71% (up seven spots from 2006)
- Census Bureau - 68%
- Internal Revenue Service - 67% (down seven spots from 2006)
- Social Security Administration - 67%
And the bottom of the list:
- National Security Agency - 19%
- Central Intelligence Agency - 21%
- Department of Homeland Security - 22%
- Office of Attorney General - 23%
- Transportation Security Agency - 25%
- Department of Justice - 29%
- Department of Veterans Affairs - 31% (down an incredible 41 slots)
And where was the Archives on the list? Did it even make it?