Thursday, March 1, 2007

Toygers - The New Cat Breed

When I was a Social Studies teacher in Poughkeepsie, New York, one of the successful "techniques" that I used with my students was that I had them believing that I was a cop, specifically, narcotics. Hey, you got do what you got to do. At the time I also had a cat at home that would get a little too frisky with me at times and would bite or scratch my hands on occasion. As a result, my hands would sometimes be scratched up and my students would ask about them. I would tell them I kept a tiger in my home as a special burglar alarm.

Now it seems I might be able to have something similar before long. There was an article in the recent "issue" of Life Magazine (a new insert to the newspaper, if you haven't seen it, don't bother, Henry Luce and Margaret Bourke-White are spinning in their graves). about the Toyger, a new breed of cat being developed.

I like cats. Do I really want one that reminds me of their close cousins that would eat me if given the chance? Probably not. But they are cute.

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