Thursday, March 8, 2007

"We've Come to See the Tapestries"

(Bonus points for the person who can identify the above line - despite it being about the wrong country).

News from Europe this week . . . Liechtenstein has been violated . . .

The army of "neutral" Switzerland invaded the tiny neighboring country of Liechtenstein . . . by accident. A Swiss company of nearly 200 pushed about two kilometers into its neighbour before realizing the mistake and heading back. On Wednesday night, February 28, during a routine training exercise for infantrymen in the Alpine forests close to an unmarked section of the border, the company commander led his men in the wrong direction in bad weather but gave the immediate order to return when realizing the error.

Liechtenstein had no time to react, only finding out when the Swiss told them. A spokesman for the Liechtenstein authorities said: "It's not like they invaded with attack helicopters." Well thank goodness.

This incident passed more easily than the last time these two nations "fought." In 1985, Switzerland had to pay Liechtenstein compensation when rockets fired by its army went astray and set a forest ablaze. The countries became embroiled in a lengthy dispute when the protected forest was set on fire.


  1. Do the Swiss have attack helicopters? Wouldn't they more rightly be called 'defend helicopters?' Or are we witnessing the first example of a new, more aggressive, Swiss regime?

    Today, Liechtenstein! Tomorrow, The World! Fondue for All!

  2. I know this is really late, but I just found your blog. The line is from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I LOVE that movie. Love your blog too.
