Friday, June 8, 2007

The Other Old Blue Eyes

Sad news this week out of Hollywood. Paul Newman, 82, is retiring. He reports that he is getting too old for it. Newman was one of my mother's favorite actors. She had a pillowcase that had his face printed on it, so she could go to bed with him. Her favorite expression was "He can put his shoes under my bed anytime." My mother got to meet him once at a car race in Cleveland.

Of course, while Newman will be forever remembered for his movie roles, including, Fast Eddie Felson, which he started with in "The Hustler" and finished in "The Color of Money." I really loved him in "The Verdict" and of course, hockey lover that I am, Reggie Dunlop in "Slapshot." I am a big fan of disaster flicks and he is great in "The Towering Inferno." The roles that will forever be his for me though are in his work in "The Sting" and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid."

Newman has morphed into a successful business man as well and done great work for kids with his support of the "Hole in the Wall Gang" camp. And let us not forget he is married to Joanne Woodward in one of the few successful Hollywood marriages. Take a seat, Paul. We'll miss you, but you've earned the break.


  1. What? Paul Newman is 82? I am younger than I realized! And a tip of the hat to Paul for getting it right all these years.

  2. You go Paul! BA, my wife feels much the same as your mom....and I have yet to find an actress that I could say the same about. Not, um, that I'm looking, you know.

  3. How is it we've never talked about our shared interest in disaster movies? The Towering Inferno was the first of the genre that I saw.
