Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Sale is Over - Go in Peace

So I'm back from my third weekend in a row to New York. Saturday was the big yard sale at the family manse. It was also my last opportunity to stay in the house I grew up in. The next time I go to New York, it will be to a new place, with a different um, taste, shall we say? See the pictures below. I don't have a picture of the neon sign over the deck, which features the character names from the Sopranos.

So the sale was a success. Here are couple of pictures from the sale, albeit late in the day. The ad said 8am, and yet at 7am - knock, knock on the front door. "Are you having a sale, today?" "Yes," I reply, "at 8:00." "Are you going to start early?" I am then asked? Gee, why would I put 8:00 in the ad and then start just because you are here? Good Lord. Sometimes I hate people.

And here is what the ad didn't say. Nothing went back into the house. If it didn't sell, it went to the curb. Some items were retained (books for half.com, my postcards for eBay, some of my father's models for eBay), but everything else went to the curb. I neglected to leave beer for the garbage boys before I left and my father reports a lot of the trash was not picked up.

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