Thursday, June 28, 2007

Something to get the brain juices flowing

Here's another quiz to jump start the brain on a hot Friday. My father is in town this weekend and I will be out and about entertaining him. Saturday, we will be at a Kingston Trio and Smothers Brothers concert at Wolf Trap (stop laughing at me). It should be fun.

The quiz is simple. I'll give you the first one. The other answers will come in a week. See how you do and try and stay cool.
  1. 366 D. in a L. Y. (366 Days in a Leap Year)
  2. 5 T. on a F.
  3. 3 S. (S., M., and L.)
  4. 100 Y. on a F. F.
  5. 360 D. in a C.
  6. 2000 P. in a T.
  7. 7 B. for S. B.
  8. 3 L. P.
  9. 144 I. in a G.
  10. 26 L. of the A.
  11. 12 S. of the Z.
  12. 54 C. in a D. (with the J.)
  13. 88 P. K.
  14. 13 S. on the A. F.
  15. 3 S. Y. O. at the O. B. G.


  1. found your blog from resturant gal... i'm not even going to try all of them since i am a teacher on summer vaction but the ones i got right off the bat:

    3 S. (S., M., and L.) 3 sizes - small, medium, & large

    100 Y. on a F. F. 100 yards on a football field

    360 D. in a C. 360 degrees in a circle

    2000 P. in a T. 2000 pounds in a (short) Ton (as opposed to the true long ton of 2240)

  2. I couldn't figure out which one was Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs

  3. oops missed one the other day -

    26 L. of the A. 26 letters of the alphabet

  4. 12 Signs of the Zodiac

    88 Piano Keys

    3 Strikes You're Out at the Old Ball Game

  5. 7 Brides for Seven Brothers

    5 Toes on a Foot

    54 Cards in a Deck (with the Joker)

  6. 13 strips on the American Flag

  7. The only two I didn't get were
    144 I. in a G. & 88 P. K.

    I wouldn't have gotten 88, having never played the piano. I'm still thinking about 144.

  8. 144 inches in a gram? Sorry, I don't know the metric system.
