Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's SUV

The Vatican has published its "rules of the road," with the intention of keeping motorists "on the road to salvation, warning drivers against the sins of road rage, abuse of alcohol or even simple rudeness." A Vatican official, Cardinal Renato Martino, told a news conference the Vatican felt it necessary to address the pastoral needs of motorists because driving has become such a big part of contemporary life.

The document, issued from the office for migrants and itinerant people, is called "Guidelines for the Pastoral Care of the Road," and extols the benefits of driving - family outings, getting the sick to the hospital, allowing people to get to work and seeing other cultures.

I'll point out these "new" Commandments come from a guy that drives around in a car standing up, without a seat belt. Nonetheless, follow these or its eternal traffic for you:

The Vatican's Ten Commandments for drivers:
  1. You shall not kill.
  2. The road shall be for you a means of communion between people and not of mortal harm.
  3. Courtesy, uprightness and prudence will help you deal with unforeseen events.
  4. Be charitable and help your neighbor in need, especially victims of accidents.
  5. Cars shall not be for you an expression of power and domination, and an occasion of sin.
  6. Charitably convince the young and not so young not to drive when they are not in a fitting condition to do so.
  7. Support the families of accident victims.
  8. Bring guilty motorists and their victims together, at the appropriate time, so that they can undergo the liberating experience of forgiveness.
  9. On the road, protect the more vulnerable party.
  10. Feel responsible toward others.


  1. I honestly thought this was a joke. This is the most bizarre thing to issue forth from the Vatican in years. Do you think they're trying to make themselves relevant?

  2. Wouldn't it have been easier to say:

    1. Slow down.
    2. Don't drink and drive.
    3. Prevent (not 'charitably convince') others from drinking and driving.
    4. Don't drive while talking on your cell phone or engaging in any other distracting behavior.
    5. Be courteous and considerate of other drivers.
    6. Provide assistance during times of accidents.
    7. Provide assistance to accident victims and their families.
    8. "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's SUV." (great line)

    OK, so that's only 8, but ...

  3. 11. Thou shalt use thy turn signal or face the wrath of eternal hellfire.

  4. 12. Drive like everyone around you knows who you are.

  5. I remember a comedian doing a routine once about how we've become so complacent in our cars now that we've got crumple zones and air bags. What we really need are great big steel spikes stiking 18"out of the steering wheel towards our chests. Then we would all drive a great deal more carefully...
