Passive-Aggressive Notes. You know who you are. You don't like to confront people, but will never miss an opportunity to point out what they did wrong. Most prevalent in the dorm room, the office lounge, and other community spaces, they are often instant classics. The blog features submissions from around the world "spotted in the wild."
Here's a few samples:
"Peter, I'm not too happy with your inability to provide me with some cookies. If we could fix this situation, that'd be great. Thanks, John"
"If you leave the coffee pot low, you fail at life. Please make more coffee!"
"To the fiend who took my Deer Park water out of the freezer on May 30: It was tap. I hope you enjoyed it."
"Ian, If I catch you eating this delicious cereal, I'll kill you in your sleep. Love, Dan"
Does your mood have anything to do with the Yanks/Os series this weekend?
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I didn't know about this blog. I have produced a few passive aggressive notes related to parking that I am rather proud of and only wish I had taken photos. Oh well, I imagine I will produce more soon enough. Thank you for what may have been the best part of my Monday.