But anyway. Turning 40. Here's my wish list.
- A flat screen HDTV. Hey, the prices are coming down. I don't deserve it, but it would be nice to have.
- Tickets to the Washington Capitals - New York Rangers game. The Broadway Blueshirts will visit the Verizon Center (wait, maybe Nancy at Verizon could get me the company seats?) on December 12.
- A nice dinner out. This will likely be accomplished with the American Express gift cards that Verizon is already sending. Where to go? I have a few ideas. Please feel free to comment on the choices. (Especially you, Restaurant Gal. I know you don't like to recommend places, but your description of the Palm when you were here last week has only served to remind me that I have wanted to go there since I moved here). Here are the places I am contemplating (in alphabetical order, so as to not influence your decision).
- Blacksalt. Absolutely nothing wrong with good seafood.
- Citronelle. One of those places everybody should go once? Should it wait until the big 5-0?
- Fogo de Chao. Nothing says "Happy Birthday" like the "meat sweats"
- The Palm. The leading contender. It has been on my radar, as I said, since I moved here. Newly renovated and really good steaks.
- Proof. New, and a really good sommelier.
Would any of my friends like to come along? Let me know and I will make the reservations. The more the merrier.
Well if verizon wanted to hand you a return flight ticket from Scotland to the US I'd join you
ReplyDeleteSorry, the correct answer to the restaurant question is Vidalia. End of story. See you in Carlisle.
ReplyDeleteFogo de Chao, or Arcadiana.