Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Mid-Atlantic 7 Wonders

I am home sick today. I caught the current version of the plague that is bouncing about the office. And no, I don't think my son brought something home from daycare. But God, do I feel awful. So here's a blog post to keep you all sated, while I go and drain my head.

I discussed here before about the new Seven Wonders of the World "contest." I reported on the results and the new "contest." The Washington Post, feeling the Mid-Atlantic region got shafted, has started their own little contest here. Voting will continue for another week or so, and they will report the outcome on October 14. So go and vote for your favorite Mid-Atlantic Wonder!
The choices are:
  • The Brooklyn Bridge

  • The United States Capitol

  • Chesapeake Bay Bridge

  • Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel

  • Chrysler Building

  • C&O Canal

  • Dulles Airport

  • Empire State Building

  • Fallingwater

  • Independence Hall

  • Jefferson Memorial

  • University of Virginia "Lawn"

  • Lincoln Memorial

  • Monticello

  • National Cathedral

  • Pentagon

  • Skyline Drive

  • Statue of Liberty

  • Washington Mall

  • Washington Monument


  1. Voting has closed.

    Why the bleep is Dulles Airport on the list? The only element of wonder about it is why they haven't bulldozed it down and started over. Ugly and inefficient does not a wonder make.

  2. Hi there,
    I choose:
    Falling Water
    Brooklyn Bridge
    Chrysler Building
    Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel

    While I thoroughly enjoyed my recent visit to the National Cathedral I did not include it on my list because similar structures were built hundreds of years ago without modern conveniences. I chose the Chrysler Building over the Empire State Building because I think it's prettier.

    Falling Water wins hands down even though it did have to be shored up recently.

    Go check your front porch.

