Thursday, November 29, 2007

Middle Name Meme

I have been tagged by my friend Lana. Here's how it works.

  1. Post these rules before you give the facts.
  2. List one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don't have a middle name make one up or use the one you would have liked to have had.
  3. When you are tagged write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
  4. At the end of your post, choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

A - is for Alan, my middle name. It is also my son's middle name. It is also my father's first name, who would be unable to play this game because he doesn't have a middle name. It is not, as some have suspected, my last name, nor is it spelled "Allen." It is Alan, like the French, Alain, as that is what my family is.

L - Laughter. There is nothing quite like laughter, especially when it is coming out of either my wife or my son. You know the questionnaire that James Lipton does at the end of "Inside the Actor's Studio"? That's the sound or noise that I love.

A - Archivist is my chosen profession, although I started out as a teacher, but decided this is where the fun is. It was never about the money, either for the teachers or the archivists. I do it because I love it.

N - New York. The state where I grew up. The only other place I have lived before moving to Maryland.

They are not the best answers, but the tooth seems to be draining off my creativity. So work with it. Now I know that I am supposed to tag four other bloggers, but I am going to vary that a little as two of the people I want to tag don't have blogs. So leave them in the comments, ladies.

I tag in the non-blogging world:

  • C in DC
  • NJM

And the bloggers are:

  • ADR (and I love Pearls Before Swine, too)
  • Special K (you won't threaten to leave again)

If you are a blogger friend who comes by regularly, please feel free to tag yourself and head back and enlighten us to the facts associated with your middle moniker.


  1. Thanks for sharing...Hope you feel better soon. Here's to Monday!

  2. I'd have more sympathy for you about the tooth if you hadn't burdened me with this . . . Fine, fine, just posted my addition. Tell OSG I tagged him too, so he's got to get online and participate.

  3. I guess I'll agree to out my middle name.

    L - librarian, it's how I was trained
    Y - yesterday, because I work with materials from the past
    N - near-sighted, what all that reading has done to me
    N - north, I grew up on North C... St. in PoduNk, New york. Off the top of my head, I can only think of one mailing address I've had that hasn't contained the letter N.

  4. c in dc; I'm a near-sighted librarian who grew up in NY, too. *LOL*

    Astronaut; I'd forgotten your middle name. Charles' middle name is "Allen." Too much.

  5. Okay. Here are my first thoughts, but remember that this in no way reflects anything but small portions of the creation of my personality.

    J - Jumbo is the mascot
    A - Andrews Road is the street of the first house I remember
    N - Nashville affected me more than I care to admit
    E - Elizabeth, the middle name I wanted in middle school.
