Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Post Christmas Quiz

While everyone comes out of their post-Christmas sugar comas, here's a little quiz to get the brain juices flowing. Now, no Googling. This quiz is clearly made to remind you how feeble our brains are at retaining simple trivia. The quiz comes from Games Magazine and asked you to name at least three of the five correct answers. All of the answers next week.
  1. Name the last five movies to win the Academy Award for Best Picture.
  2. Name the last five major party candidates who ran for President and LOST.
  3. Name the last five countries to become members of the United Nations (Hint: all became members between 2000 and 2006.)
  4. Name the last five teams to win the World Series (or lose?)
  5. Name the last five teams to win the Super Bowl (or lose?)
And here is the bonus question of all bonus questions. This question came up during the Poinsettia Bowl (Navy vs. Utah - and that's important). There are only four schools that have produced a president and a Super Bowl winning quarterback. Name them. And I'm looking at you there, ArTrash. We stumped ADR with this one. Let me know if you need a hint.


  1. Except it's only 4 schools ...

  2. Whoops! Amended. I had "five" on the brain from the other questions. But yes, four schools only, Trashman.

  3. I certainly can't pass your quiz. Keep up the good work! <:\

  4. Oh dear...the only one I can get off the top of my head is Michigan. How about Navy? Anything else would be wild guesses.

  5. You are indeed halfway there. Michigan (Ford and Brady) and Navy (Carter and Staubach). The other two involve a 20th Century President and a 19th Century President. Here's the clue we gave ADR for the fourth school. This school was recently involved in a major archival controversy.

  6. Ok, I'm guessing here, but the third one is Stanford, right? Didn't Hoover go there?

    For the fourth, a wild guess. Tennessee?
