Sunday, January 13, 2008

Song Title Quiz

This came to the surface when I tagged Stitch Bitch with a meme (and don't think I haven't noticed there are a two of you out there still unpublished).

Here goes. The instructions: Using your favorite band's song titles, answer the following questions.
  1. Are you male or female? An Innocent Man
  2. Describe yourself. Last of the Big Time Spenders
  3. How do some people feel about you? Don't Ask Me Why
  4. How do you feel about yourself? Just the Way You Are
  5. Describe your significant other. She's Got a Way
  6. Where would you rather be? Vienna
  7. Describe what you want to be. The Entertainer
  8. Describe how you live. I Go to Extremes
  9. Describe how you love. The Longest Time (ooh, that could be dirty . . . )
  10. Share a few words of wisdom. Only the Good Die Young


  1. You can take the man out of Long Island, but you can't take the Billy Joel out of the man. ;) Cool quiz!

  2. I'm getting to the archives post this week, I swear! : )

  3. Funny! Now I have "Only the Good Die Young" stuck in my head! argh!
