Friday, February 22, 2008

Pickled, Plowed, In the Bag, 3 Sheets to the Wind, etc.

What's your favorite drunk story? My blog friend Amy over on her blog related a story (by her own admission, "one of my top five OU [Ohio University] drinking stories") involving Everclear. I responded with my own story about an unfortunate encounter with some '151' that I neglected to blow out before drinking.

She came back with her own comment back on my blog:
What I came here to do was make a comment somewhere about an idea for a theme week. Picture it — A whole week of entries counting down our top college drinking stories.

On second thought, maybe not. First of all, I could probably file a month's worth of posts on this topic alone. I mean, I thought of three more just while I was typing the previous paragraph: Circle K elections 1995; Teeter-Totter Marathon 1993; and Halloween 1992.

Secondly, it might give off the wrong impression.

So my blogging friends out there? Are we game for a drunken circle of blogging? We could pick a date, have one person "start" and then link to the next person for their story, who links to the next, etc. We could do our own version of "March Madness" and the best story wins a prize. Non-bloggers are welcome to play as well, but we would have to identify one of the participating blogs as the central location for commenter stories.

I know how wild and crazy some of you fine folks out there on the intertubes can be. Who's in? RSVP in the comments if you are interested and we'll make a plan for Drunken March Madness.


  1. I wonder if I can add "meme starter" to my resume?

    Er, assuming that anyone besides me wants to do this . . .

  2. 1. I'm sure you've seen the photo where Kiki, Caryn, and I went as three sheets to the wind for Halloween.
    2. Who can remember these stories? Honestly, how drunk can you have been if you remember?

  3. Sometimes these are stories in which I am a non-drinking observer . . . like the whole dorm room/bathroom mixup.

    Sometimes these are stories in which the gaps in my memory were filled in later by other non-drinking observers. Like the time I apparently walked into a pillar instead of walking around it.

    I have no recollection of this portion of the evening, although I have two witnesses who will swear that that's exactly what I did. I remember parts of the evening before that (licking the counter when I spilled part of my drink on the bar) and parts of the evening after that (some extended technicolor yawning) and I really remember the morning after (lying to the preacher's wife on Easter Sunday) but I have to take their word for that piece in the middle.

  4. Some of us would have really boring stories. I think Mrs. BA might have the most amusing drinking story about me from Chicago this year. All the rest go something along the lines of "2 drinks" and "sleep".

    On the other hand, I could rat out some others from Chicago this year...

  5. I have to say, me asking everyone to recount drunken stories would go over better than when I started asking about random and weird facts. So we're in! Sounds kinda fun..

  6. There will be no telling tales about others from Chicago.

    Guest blogging, on the other hand, ...
