Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Toast! to Selection Sunday

Selection Sunday will take place on Sunday March 9. But we need a little more time to iron out the rules for our version of March Madness - March Drunken Madness. In this post, I referred to two drunk stories from yours truly and a blogging friend, Amy in Ohio. I challenged my readers to contribute their best drinking stories and we would have our own little bracket challenge to see who has the best story.

Comments trickled in and it would seem that we have the following competitors:
  • the aforementioned Amy in Ohio
  • Brave Astronaut (that's me)
  • despite her note that "how drunk could you be if you remember the story," I'm pulling Stitch Bitch in.
  • C in DC offers boring stories, but there has to be a Cinderella story in every tournament.
  • The 6th Floor Blog will play the part of the Big East in the tournament, as we will give them the option of sending six stories for consideration.
  • NJM is trolling through her drunken depths to find a winner. She will guest blog through this portal.
  • I recently heard a good story from OSG, so I'm snagging him for an entry.
  • C in DC, NJM, and I have all decided that the bearded one, Kim, must have several good stories, so we hope he will play along.
  • If he can stop fighting with anonymous commentators, will ADR offer a story?
  • If he can stop shoveling snow for a moment, will Archivalist offer up an anecdote?
  • Certainly Special K and HAH must have a memory they are trying to keep quiet, but would love to share with all of us? They can even have two entries.
  • Hey, the name of her blog is "Stories to Tell." Surely one of them must involve alcohol.
If we get all of the above to play, that's eighteen of us. Am I missing anyone? If you would like to get in on the fun, let me know. If I have drafted you for this and you want out, please let me know that as well.

We could use Order from Chaos as the central location for the stories. I think I could manage to get a poll feature that would allow people to vote for the stories. I propose the first round of stories be posted on Sunday March 9, with voting to take place through Friday March 14. Second round stories would go up on Sunday March 16 and voting through Friday March 21. If we get our numbers right, final four stories would be posted on Sunday March 23 and voting for those stories to go through Wednesday March 26. The Championship round would post on Friday March 28 and voting would cease on on Monday March 31 (I'll even suspend Recipe Monday for it!)

I will come up with a good prize for the winner and a plan on getting it to the "Lord (or Lady) of the Drunks." Questions? Comments? Moans of Despair? Cries of Anguish? Let me know in the comments.


  1. Found you through Pencil Crossings. LOL! I'm not sure that I'd be a contender, but I think my brother's stories would give you a run for your money

  2. So I need to come up with 4 stories? Can I get help remembering them? And what are the criteria for best? Drunkenest? Stupidest things that happen? Wildest things that happen?

  3. Yeah, I guess we're in, Not sure if our stories are insane enough. We're going to stick, in sticking with the blog format, stories that include at least 2 of us, but probably more.

  4. I will have to dig deep, since I don't drink... but let's see what I can come up with... :-)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I don't know--I really don't have any good stories. And, what are the rules again? Does the story have to be about me or is it ok if I was just a witness. I know it's hard to believe, but I really don't have any good stories about myself (probably my friends from college remember some but I don't). Please clarify the rules--thanks!

  7. I have some questions, too. I think I had a lot more of them Saturday afternoon, but these are what I can remember now:

    Just to be clear: Do we have to submit a new post for each round, or submit our best story and hope that it holds up from round to round?

    Is there a word limit?

    Are we supposed to stick to text-only, or can we include photos (or links to photos) and other supporting materials?

    Do we have to change names to protect the guilty and/or innocent?

  8. Sure, I'll play along -- but like C, it'll be pretty weak. First round knockout!

  9. I'm not convinced I could come up with any great stories - getting drunk has never been one of my major pastimes, bascially because I suffer intolerable hangovers very easily and that takes any fun out of it

  10. Kim, you have my sympathies. I have blessedly been able to drink large quanitities without getting noticably drunk and without suffering from hangovers. It's kind of nice to drink nearly an entire fifth of Bushmill's at a St. Patrick's Day party, and still be the last man standing and the first one up the next day. (Of course, that was ten years ago. That act probably couldn't - and shouldn't - be repeated today.)

  11. OK. I'll play, but I warn you, it's hard to make "two drinks, asleep" into anything interesting.

  12. A shared blog! You're brilliant!

    And I can't believe that the URL (March Drunken Madness) wasn't already taken.
