Friday, August 22, 2008

Word smithing

I spotted this on Language Hat, a language blog I like to read. It is an online quiz that asks you to identify the 100 most common English words. I like to think that I am pretty good at these sort of things, but the pressure got to me. I did not even get half of them.

Now I know there is at least one of my readers out there who will do well with this. Isn't that right, Dr. Anna? She has been amusing herself with this website and this one, which Mrs. BA and I will take the random quiz on occasionally.

Fair warning, be prepared to lose a fair bit of time down the rabbit hole of the Interwebs if you click on the links and play the games.

And let us not forget to wish our dear friend OSG a belated happy birthday, his birthday was two days ago. Yesterday marked the anniversary of the birth of blogging friend and budding archivist, Amy. And today marks two birthdays in the Brave Astronaut orbit. My brother turns 55 today and ADR also celebrates his birthday today! Sunday we will note the birthday of C in DC. She may have some issues (well, two small issues) trying to celebrate her birthday quietly . . . Monday will mark the birthday of my niece. A busy month for birthdays! Happy birthday to the whole bunch!


  1. Ironically, today's my brother's birthday, my friend's daughter's birthday & another friend's ex-g/f's birthday.
    I'm going to pass on the word games right now, as I will certainly lose my time in the "Interwebs" (LOL) when I really need to be painting. I'll check those out later, though.

    Happy birthday to everyone on the blog & off. Gads...I should call my brother!

  2. I'm up to about 170 countries on this site but I only got about 40% of the common words. I was sort of obsessed by the fact that his made the list but hers didn't.

  3. Lana - do we really want to start thinking about what all of those parents were doing in the cold month of December ?

    Anna - I was surprised, too, but then again I was surprised that I couldn't come up with a respectable number of the words.
