Friday, April 10, 2009

It's Masters Weekend!

Many who know me understand that while I play golf occasionally, I also enjoy watching it on TV. And this weekend that means the Masters. It is the one tournament that I try to never miss. One of these days I will get there in person (maybe when Archival Trash adopts me - he has tickets).

So while I will be glued to the TV for most of the weekend watching anyone but Tiger, our friends "across the pond" have come up with a game known as "Pub Golf" (seen on Buzz Feed) As defined by Urban Dictionary:
The pinnacle game of choice in the modern sporting era. The game involves visiting 18 different pubs, in 18 different locations, drinking an alcoholic drink of previously specified choice. The aim is to complete the course, and the winner is decided as to who can complete the course in the fewest number of consecutive "sips."

The lowest possible score in Pub Golf is 18 shots. This would require "downing" each drink in one go, and without stopping. Any player taking any more shots that the standard course par of 72 is deemed the winner.

Any form of drink "spillage" or players puking up invokes a penalty of 2 shots.
The rules are rather involved [taken from a website that features black text on a black background - so it was a bit hard to see]:

1. Each player must choose and consume ONE drink in each pub. Points are only scored for this ONE drink.

2. The winner shall be the player with the LEAST NUMBER OF POINTS at the end of the ninth hole.

3. Point scoring system: Just like real golf, we have defined what constitutes a 'par' ( i.e 0 points) for each kind of drink you may choose to consume. A bogey is one over par (i.e. +1), a birdie one under par (i.e. -1), an eagle two under (i.e. -2), and an albatross three under (i.e. -3). [The British creators came up with a very intricate scoring system based on alcohol contents of beer and the selection of mixed drinks, but I think it could easily be simplified]

4. Penalties:
  • Failure to complete a hole (i.e. failure to finish drink) = 3 shots dropped (& no points awarded for your drink)
  • Failure to have a drink at all = 4 shots dropped
  • Puking = 3 shots dropped. The other players are encouraged to sneak on their competitors should any player attempt a quick 'tactical' spew.
  • Failure to complete the course - instant disqualification and a very bad hangover.
5. Water hazards: Players are not allowed to go to the toilet at any hole deemed a 'water hazard'. Penalty = 2 shots dropped.

6. Bunkers: To get out of a bunker each player must consume one shot of their choice (single measure) in addition to their chosen drink. Failure to negotiate bunker - 2 shots dropped. Shot must be neat, i.e.: not water, ice etc, and downed.

7. Hole in one: Should a player DOWN a pint in one, then they may add -2 points to their score for that hole. Definition of down: finish a drink in one go, i.e.: drink a full pint of chosen beverage without taking the glass away from mouth and without taking longer than 30 seconds about it. On completion, the glass should be upturned on the player's head, thus ensuring the drink was actually finished.

8. Time: Play commences before 6pm. Competitors are allowed a strict half an hour to complete each hole. Should time be running out towards the end of the evening, the referee will have the discretion to further limit the time allowed at each hole.

9. Scorecards: Each player is responsible for maintaining his own scorecard. However, at the start of the match competitors will be allocated partners with whom they will play the round. It is also a players responsibility to ensure his partner's score is correctly kept. In addition, at each hole players must declare their score to the referee who will be responsible for maintaining a leaderboard.

10. Referee: A referee shall be appointed for each game. The referee shall be timekeeper, judge, and the final arbiter in all disputes. The referees' decision is final.

So, I think we should move the MARAC Metal Edge Open indoors and try this in Charleston!


  1. OMG...I can't imagine drinking that much. <:\ Interesting how people create drinking games, though. I mean, the typical object is to get plastered, so why all of the rules & regulations? Just drink! *L*

  2. Hey Check out this site:

  3. Lana - well sure. That's always the goal. Why not have fun with it?

    Anon - thanks for the link.
