Thursday, July 30, 2009

Long Live the 8-Track

No really.
I remember the stereo system we had growing up (in the huge stereo cabinet crafted by my grandfather, which has unfortunately been lost to time and space) had an 8-track component. It was a lot of fun to sit in front of it and change the channels on the 8-track, which always made that healthy "ka-chunk." Always thinking ahead, I began to record the 8-tracks onto cassette tapes. Because cassettes were the future.

I resisted making the switch to CDs for a long time. I had two large wooden cases mounted on my wall that contained my extensive cassette collection. Then as I finally began to migrate my cassettes to CD, I sold off my cassettes. Of course by then, the 8-track player was long gone.

Recently, I have been reconstituting by iTunes library after my computer crashed. LBA has been inquiring when "Centerfield" will be moved from my computer to my iPod (as one cannot have two iTunes libraries synched on the same iPod). Soon, my boy, soon.