Thursday, October 22, 2009

Geek Alert: Star Wars Architecture

Yoda: Told you I did. Reckless is he. Now, matters are worse.
Obi-Wan: That boy is our last hope.
Yoda: No. There is another.
As many of you know, Fridays (tomorrow) are movie night at the Brave Astronaut launchpad. Of late, the main movie in the queue is the ORIGINAL Star Wars (as Mrs. BA determined the time was right for LBA to be exposed to Luke, Leia, and Han - he already knows of them from his older cousins and books he has read). Our neighbors very graciously offered us their copy of Star Wars (on VHS - he has the movie on his iPhone) and we have been watching mostly non-stop since then. Our neighbor also reminded us, "he is too old to begin the training," prompting Mrs. BA and I to think of the quote above.

Now don't get me started on the whole Canon of Star Wars. If you need to lose several hours, feel free to consult the Wookiepedia. But let's just say that I haven't ever seen the movies that came out after Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. I saw no reason. LBA is still working out that since both Mrs. BA and I saw these movies when we were "young," we "must be experts on them." Well, sure.

Spotted a while back in my Google reader was an article from the Architects Journal regarding the architecture of Star Wars. It listed the Top 10 buildings and structures from the movies.

10. Cloud City, Bespin
9. Senate Building, Coruscant
8. Sandcrawler, Tatooine
7. Bright Tree Village, Endor
6. Echo Base, Hoth
5. Artisanal Dwellings, Tatooine
4. The planet Coruscant
3. Jedi Temple, Coruscant
2. Jabba's Palace, Tatooine
1. The Second Death Star

Thoughts? Will thousands of Star Wars fanatics come out of the woodwork to berate me? Stay tuned.


  1. Wookiepedia? Really? That's funny as heck.
    Count your blessings that you skipped episodes 1-3. I'm still trying to get them out of my head (despite the fact that Natalie Portman went to Syosset High.)
    Cloud City's very cool, of course, but I could totally see myself living in Bright Tree Village on Endor.

  2. Lana - really. It's very funny but a sure time suck.
