Saturday, January 9, 2010

The End of Christmas

We had another light snowfall here yesterday and the frigid temperatures have returned with a vengeance. Until the weather warms up a little bit, the outdoor lights stay on and up on the house. But I spent much of today putting away the Christmas decorations and taking down the trees. Mrs. BA and I keep a Christmas tree in our bedroom. At the end of its tenure, it goes out the window. Fewer needles to clean up that way.

I promised a "Loot List" so everyone can see what a good person the Brave Astronaut must have been this year. Everyone at the launchpad must have been on the good list this year, because we all did well in the presents department.

The boys got a bevy of gifts from Mrs. BA and I and their aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Perhaps the best gift received by SoBA was the Cozy Coupe. When presented with it on Christmas Eve, he was beside himself with joy. I think he would have slept in it, if we gave him that option. LBA received the Star Wars trilogy on DVD, as he has shown an interest in seeing the movies. We had borrowed a VHS tape of the first movie (by the way, I only recognize Star Wars, the Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi, as the only movies worth watching) from our neighbor (although "he is too old to begin the training" - but "there is another"). This gift dovetailed nicely with a present from his aunt, a semi-official Stormtroopers helmet and blaster gun. He too, might have slept in it, given the opportunity. Both boys also used some Christmas money at FAO Schwarz in New York City, during our trip there after Christmas.

I received several great gifts:
  • From Mr. and Mrs. OSG - a T-shirt that reads "The Only Thing We Have to Fear, Is Fear Itself -- and Spiders" For those of you who know me well, it is possibly the best T-shirt ever.
  • Several long sleeve T-shirts for sleeping in (and a new pair of sleep pants). It has been rather cold (as I mentioned) and I have been keeping the heat down.
  • A Scrabble Page-A-Day Calendar, which has made its way to my desk at work and gives me a break for a few minutes each day. We'll see if it improves my Lexulous games on Facebook (where I'm sure it's your turn, if you're playing a game with me).
  • For my birthday a few days before Christmas, I received the new Stephen King book, Under the Dome. The book runs more than 1000 pages and I was sure it would take me months to get through. But it's so good, that I am already on page 375 and reading 20 pages or so a night.
  • Mrs. BA and I received a nice popcorn bowl and a six-month Netflix gift subscription, which will be a nice addition to our TV watching in the coming months.
  • I received a few sweaters, which will be nice for the same reasons the long-sleeve T-shirts are.
  • A few books, including the Onion's Front Pages and Rules for my Unborn Son (signed by the author), the blog of which I found last year and love reading.
  • A generous Lowe's Gift Card from my MIL, which may or may not become a new door for the basement.
Mrs. BA and I had a "Gift of the Magi" moment this year. We were in need of a new cooking thermometer (she also needed a new kitchen scale, which she got). I really wanted to get another digital instant read one, but couldn't find one I liked). I found one that was good - and so did she. So we now have two. But still no digital one.

Mrs. BA also looked for a new wallet for me, as I had asked for one. I has some specific ideas as to what I wanted, and she was unable to find one. So I ordered one for myself after Christmas. Like the thermometer, it's not the best one out there, but it will do for now.

So how'd you do? Get everything you want?


  1. We don't do gifts...To be honest, we don't do holidays unless Charles' son is coming over. I still have everything I want, though. I bought my nephews a roboraptor (no small feat, since they were sold out,) which I think Randy's enjoying as much as they are. I hope to see it in action someday.
    I'm glad Santa treated y'all to everything you deserve. :)

  2. Nice haul. You'll have one more, though. Something from us--a re-gift---should be arriving sometime soon. This year we received a record number of gifts that we just don't care for, so we're trying to find good homes for them.

  3. I need to know where I can get one of those "spider" t-shirts. It will be the perfect gift for a friend of mine in Atlanta. I believe he sends his 3-year old son to do his spider killing for him. Would be great to get a head start on Christmas gifts for next year.

  4. Lana - C'mon you're all the gift anyone needs. :)

    K and J - thank you for the re-gifted item, we'll watch out for it. As to the T-shirt, I found it online here
