Friday, May 7, 2010

Anniversary Date Night

On Tuesday, I celebrated eight years of marriage to the most wonderful woman in the world. She is the most understanding, kind, and lovable woman. She's pretty good looking, too.

She is the mother of my children, she is the woman that I long to spend more time with, and will work to continue to make happy for the rest of my life.

To that end, tonight is date night. I planned a secret rendezvous with her, getting the babysitter in place, asking some friends to join us, and then finally letting her in on the secret. The babysitter initially described it as my "Officer and a Gentleman" moment.

So when you read this (if you read this on Friday evening), my wife, who I love very much, will be enjoying a night out, having some dinner together and then heading to a local bar, which has installed some skeeball games for grownups to release their inner child. Mrs. BA has a bit of a skeeball addiction.


  1. Congratulations. That was very thoughtful of you. We women dig surprises. ;) *L*

    (Sorry for the delay in my visits lately. Switching from WinXP to Win7 has me pulling my hair out...and I'm a certified network administrator, for crying out loud!)

  2. That is great--I hope you had a fantastic time. I am sure that both of you deserve it after so many years of hard work on a strong relationship.

  3. Lana - we had a very nice time. Thank you.

    Chick - thanks. it was a lot of fun
