Friday, October 22, 2010

Reading? I Vaguely Remember What That Is . . .

Unfortunately, my reading these days is limited to childrens fare and while I know I should, I am not reading as much as I would like. But here for your enjoyment (and possible derision) is a reading meme that I stole from C in DC. The meme has 55 questions and she broke her posts into 4 different posts. I'm going with two posts. Look for Part II next Friday.

One of my jobs growing up was as a page in a library. It was an enjoyable job and I made some great friends there. It also helped to strengthen my love of reading (which had been instilled in me by my mother).
  • Favorite childhood book? This is certainly different from favorite children's book, which is what I read a lot of now, as the parent of a 6 and 3 year old. But one childhood book that jumps up in front of me is My Brother Sam is Dead (I know, I know), which was a historical fiction book about a boy whose brother is killed in the American Revolution. Sorry to start out on such a downer.
  • What are you reading right now? American Lion by Jon Meacham (a biography of Andrew Jackson in the White House)
  • What books do you have on request at the library? None. I am ashamed to admit that I do not even currently have a library card.
  • Bad book habit? How to answer this question? A habit, as in addiction? Maybe. A bad habit, like dog-earing pages? No.
  • What do you currently have checked out at the library? Unfortunately, nothing as noted above.
  • Do you have an e-reader? Never. I will always want the feel of pages on my fingers (newspapers, too).
  • Do you prefer to read one book at a time, or several at once? I have tried this, but I prefer, and do better, with one at a time.
  • Have your reading habits changed since starting a blog? No, it was more the kids that changed it.
  • Least favorite book you read this year (so far?) With the amount of time that I have to read, if I don't like the book, I move on. My mother's rule was to give it 100 pages, if it didn't have you by then, don't waste your time.
  • Favorite book you’ve read this year? I really enjoyed the most recent Stephen King book, Under the Dome.
  • How often do you read out of your comfort zone? When I do read, I really want to enjoy the experience. I am long past the era of "required reading" and don't need the aggravation.
  • What is your reading comfort zone? I have long been a fan of fiction (especially historical fiction) and the political thriller. I also enjoy good biographies (as evidenced by my current book on the night table).
  • Can you read on the bus or train? I can pretty much read anywhere, but I usually cannot do much else, that is, the book must be the focus.
  • Favorite place to read? in bed
  • What is your policy on book lending? For all you people can tell the difference, I am a librarian. You can borrow my books.
  • Do you ever dog-ear books? No
  • Do you ever write in the margins of your books? No
  • Not even with text books? That would imply that I had read them closely enough to have wanted to make marginalia [cough, cough]
  • What is your favorite language to read in? English
  • If you could read in a foreign language, which language would you chose? I could, if I really wanted to struggle, read a book in French. I had a relative, who spent much of her life moving in the circles of the French Communists (and met Lenin and many other revolutionaries) and wrote a book about that time. Someday, I would like to read that book.
  • What makes you love a book? The language. And being able to "see" the story that I am reading.
  • What will inspire you to recommend a book? Same as above.
  • Favorite genre? Fine, nail me down? Political Thriller
  • Genre you rarely read (but wish you did?) Fantasy, but only on the rarest of occasions.
  • Favorite biography? Wow. Tough one. Nail me down again? The Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant (the autobiography he wrote as he was dying so that his family would have some income after his passing).
  • Have you ever read a self-help book? Yes, if the "dummies" books count.
  • Favorite cookbook? Hands down, The Very Best Recipe Cookbook (although I don't think that is the exact title) from the publishers of Cooks Illustrated. Have not had a bad thing out of it.
  • Most inspirational book you’ve read this year (fiction or non-fiction)? Inspiration is not really my thing (although with LBA in Catholic School and our semi-regular attendance at Sunday Mass, I am getting a little more accustomed to the bible readings).


  1. No library card...still? You know that's a sin, right? You should rectify this ASAP!

  2. Lana - yes I know. But they keep wanting the books back . . .
