Monday, September 5, 2011

It's Labor Day

Today marks the unofficial end of summer. Good news - the pool will be open for one more week (and weekend). As is right and fitting, most schools in New York will go back to school on Wednesday, although LBA started back last week. SoBA starts his penultimate year in daycare before following his big brother to his school.

The Brave Astronaut clan had a great Labor Day weekend. I managed to get 18 holes in on Saturday, while Mrs. BA went and picked up SoBA, who was spending some quality time with his cousins. It was a great day for golf and I would love to find more time to play more. On Sunday, we went to the Maryland State Fair and enjoyed some fine fair food. Then today, we enjoyed a lamb roast at my sister-in-law's house. Her husband roasted a whole lamb. I may have been overserved. I found myself needing to take to my bed (from where I am posting this) - so needless to say I am not all that interested in posting a recipe (urp).

But never fear, faithful readers. Google has come to the rescue (again). Some time ago they launched Google Recipe View. You can plug in any ingredient (something you have on hand and may not be sure what to do with it), or search for a recipe for a favorite dish - and get lots of different options to make.

I hope your Labor Day weekend was good and fall will be here before we know it.

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