Saturday, December 3, 2011

Girl Scouts (cookies)

Back in September, Girl Scouts of Nassau County celebrated their 100th Anniversary by planting 100 trees at Camp Blue Bay in East Hampton, NY. As most of you, my faithful readers, know, my mother was a lifelong girl scout and spent several weekends at Camp Blue Bay.

That's not to mention the number of years she served as "cookie mother" and our living room would be crammed full of cartons of cookies that we were unable to have. Have a look at the chart above - where do you fall?

Now, I have also spoken of the many girl scouts (and girl guides) that came through Nassau County (and my house) over the years as part of the International Hostessing Program, which my mother co-chaired for many years. I don't recall this being utilized by any of them - but I guess it's new.

Happy Birthday to the Girl Scouts! Thanks for everything you've done. And Happy Birthday to my sister!


  1. My order always contains Thin Mints, Tagalongs, and Samoas.

  2. We scored an order from Mrs. BA's sister (who is the cookie mother for her daughter's Brownie Troop). And there are evidently a number of Girl Scouts in town who can help with the fix.

    On a related note, the Savannah Smiles are not supposed to be all that good.
