Monday, January 28, 2013

Well It is cold and Flu Season

As you my faithful readers may recall - I was down with a sickness about two weeks ago.  It started over the weekend, I spiked a fever on Monday night, and finally went to the doctor on Thursday evening.  It turned out I had an upper respiratory infection.  Steroids and antibiotics knocked it out of me and I am far down the road to recovery - for now.

Of course, as the father of two and a federal employee, I am constantly exposed to germs - the first because that's what small children do, carry around germs (in fact SoBA went down with a fever on the day I went to the doctor) and the second because well, if you don't have the leave or feel a sense of needing to go to work, you bring your germs with you to the office and share them around.

One of the other benefits of being a federal employee however is getting free flu shots.  Which I did this year - although I learned later it is only about 60% effective this year, and we are in the midst of a pretty bad flu season.  I don't think I had the flu, I think I just got sick.  When I do get sick, I sometimes say that I "feel like a bucket of warm spit."  When I had my infection - I would have loved to feel like warm spit.  It would have been a step up.

I found this BuzzFeed post in my reader a few weeks ago and, had I had the energy - I would have tried several of them to try and feel better.

Honey Ginger Lemon "cocktail"

Don't let cold and flu season knock you for a loop. Stock up on this home cold & flu remedy before the cold weather sets in. It's even delicious when you're feeling great!
For a long time, honey, ginger, and lemon have been recognized for their homeopathic properties. When combined, they make a knock-out remedy against a myriad of ailments. This elixir will relieve many of the symptoms that accompany flu, cold, infection and inflammation. Just check out some of the natural properties of these ingredients:
  • Honey: antibacterial, antioxidant, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral 
  • Ginger: antiviral, anti-inflammatory, aids digestion, effective against human respiratory syncytial virus
  • Lemon: antiseptic, aids digestion, great source of calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids 
So you can see how combining these elements will create a tasty treat that will relieve your aches, pains, indigestion, and even help you breathe a little better.

  • Fresh lemon 
  • Fresh ginger 
  • Raw honey* 

  • Slice lemon into quarters and pack into jar 
  • Grate ginger, and add to lemon (the amount is up to you - the more the better, I say!) 
  • While stirring, fill jar with honey 
To Use: Add 1 tablespoon (or more to taste) to hot water and stir This also makes a great holiday or house warming gift! Just add a label with directions and the use-by date. Jar can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 months.

And for a portable version, make your own cough drops!

* Please note: honey is not intended for use by children under 12 months of age.

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