Sunday, June 16, 2013

School's OUT!

Yesterday 's was LBA's last day of school.  It was a half day and we added to the celebrating last night with a pizza party for LBA and his baseball buddies at the pool.  LBA is now officially a "rising third grader."  Next week he will start his "camp run" with British Soccer Camp, followed by a three-day canoe camp, courtesy of my MIL.

As some of you, my faithful readers, know, I used to be a school teacher.  Despite what some people say - Summer Vacation is not all it's cracked up to be.  You still have to work and a lot of kids head to summer school or camp.  I was lucky enough to have a stay at home mother so I had a lot of free time during the summer - but that is not the case for most kids anymore.

All totaled, I was a school teacher for about six years.  My brother has been a teacher for many years and one of my sisters has recently gotten into teaching. I was not a teacher for too long (as described in this post from BuzzFeed), but I may have made some of the jokes.

Happy Summer!

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