Friday, April 4, 2014

By the time you read this title - all of this stuff will have happened!

Every once in a while it's nice to slow down and look around.  But every five seconds all of these things will happen.  From BuzzFeed.

Food and Drink
  1. Every 5 seconds, 10,056 pounds of edible food is thrown away in the United States. 
  2. Every 5 seconds, 375 McDonalds burgers are sold.
  3. Every 5 seconds, Americans consume 1,750 pizza slices. 
  4. Every 5 seconds, 2,090 KitKat fingers are consumed worldwide. 
  5. Every 5 seconds of every day in the month of January, Americans purchase an average of 500 cans of Campbell’s Soup. 
  6. Every 5 seconds on an average day, Dunkin’ Donuts sells more than 100 cups of freshly brewed coffee. 
  7. Every 5 seconds, 2,750 hot dogs are eaten in America. 
  8. Every 5 seconds, two jars of Nutella are sold. 
  9. Every 5 seconds, over 35,000 Coca-Cola products are consumed. 

Internet and Social Media
  1. Every 5 seconds, 205,000 Facebook posts are posted.
  2. Every 5 seconds, 23,000 tweets are posted.
  3. Every 5 seconds, 1,860 people search for porn on Google. 
  4. Every 5 seconds, 8,666 Snapchats are sent.
  5. Every 5 seconds, 17 million emails are sent.
  6. Every 5 seconds, 47 new websites are created.
  7. Every 5 seconds, 28 new Wordpress posts are created. 
  8. Every 5 seconds, six hours worth of YouTube video content is uploaded.
  9. Every 5 seconds, 300 new Instagram pictures are uploaded.
  1. Every 5 seconds, 1,250 iTunes tracks are downloaded from the iTunes store. 
  2. Every 5 seconds, Amazon sells nearly $7,000 worth of product. 
  3. Every 5 seconds, 35 LEGO sets are sold by retailers around the world. 
  4. Every 5 seconds, nearly two Barbie dolls are sold somewhere in the world. 
  5. Every 5 seconds, Nike makes a little over $3,000. 
  6. While every 5 seconds, someone working at a Nike factory in Vietnam makes $.00012. 
  7. Every 5 seconds, Americans consume 7,500 water bottles. 
  8. Every 5 seconds, Americans consume 60,000 plastic bags. 
  9. Every 5 seconds, about 3,150 steel cans are recycled. 
  10. Every 5 seconds, about 79,181 pounds of trash is thrown away in the United States. 
  11. Every 5 seconds, about 4,645 barrels of oil are used.
Life and Death
  1. Every 5 seconds, about 21 babies are born in the world.
  2. Every 5 seconds, about 10 babies are born into poverty.
  3. Every 5 seconds, about one baby is born with birth defects.
  4. The world population has a net gain of about 13 people every 5 seconds.
  5. Every 5 seconds, about 9 people die in the world. 
  6. Every 5 seconds, 1.5 people die of starvation in the world. 
  7. Every 5 seconds, one child in the world dies of starvation.
Earth and Outer Space
  1. Every 5 seconds, about 500 lightning strikes have struck the ground.
  2. Every 5 seconds, the sound of thunder travels one mile.
  3. Every 5 seconds, 15,800 tons of water flows over Niagara Falls.
  4. Every 5 seconds, 80 million tons of water has evaporated from the Earth’s surface.
  5. Every 5 seconds, the Sun has flung five million tons of matter out into space.
  6. Every 5 seconds, the universe has expanded about 46 miles.
Humans, Insects, and Animals
  1. Every 5 seconds, some flies can beat their wings up to 1,000 times; three times faster than a hummingbird.
  2. Every 5 seconds, 500,000 chemical reactions have taken place in every single cell of your body. 
  3. Every 5 seconds, the average person blinks.
  4. Every 5 seconds, a woodpecker can hammer with its beak 12.5 times.
  5. Every 5 seconds, a sloth can move at a rapid speed of a little over one foot; 13 feet per minute.
  6. Every 5 seconds, adult bed bugs can crawl about 4 inches.
And for motivation:
  1. Every 5 seconds, Oprah earns a little over $43. 
  2. Every 5 seconds, Bill Gates earn $1,250; about $20 million a day.
  3. BONUS: Every 5 seconds, the average person in the world makes $.001.

1 comment:

  1. We're reading American Wasteland right now, and that #1 has been on my mind--you'd be surprised how widespread across the food chain it is. We've eaten all the leftovers this week!
