Thursday, November 20, 2014

The 12 Posts of Christmas (2014 edition) #1

At the Launchpad, Mrs. BA has a strict rule about Christmas - you can't talk about the holiday until Veterans Day.  Well that was last week - and in one month it will be the Brave Astronaut's birthday, to be followed by Christmas (and LBA's birthday) and then SoBA's birthday on the 30th.  It is not possible there is so little time left before the holidays arrive - but we shall deal with it, won't we?

If you wondering what you could get your favorite Brave Astronaut for his birthday and/or Christmas, I have a few ideas.  Be sure to check in with Mrs. BA so you don't double up.
  1. The Neiman Marcus Christmas Wish Book Fantasy Gifts are out, although none of them are really over the top, but I wouldn't refuse two tickets to the Academy Awards.
  2. If you find yourself with some extra scratch around the holidays - the Launchpad is in need of some loving.  I have a long list of "lottery projects" that you should feel free to volunteer to help fund or service.
  3. I'm hoping that Santa comes through with a new iPod this year - it's time to retire mine - it's nearly 10 years old, an eternity in technology.  So iTunes gift cards are welcome.
  4. The Brave Laptop is also due for an upgrade.  I'm not seeing the BSOD, but it is definitely chugging along.  Mrs. BA just got a new one and I don't like having poorer technology than her :).
  5. I spotted this new biography in Barnes and Noble the other day.  It would be a very nice companion piece to some tickets to one of his concerts at Madison Square Garden, continuing through 2015!
  6. The Brave Astronaut clan is spending Thanksgiving at the beach, not far from the Tanger Outlets and I am always in need of some new threads - sweaters, turtlenecks (can you tell it's really cold?), and socks - I could really use some new brown socks.  Socks and underwear was what your mother usually gets you for Christmas wasn't it?
  7. More tickets.  I would really like to attend more sporting events.  Someday I would like to be a season ticket holder to at least one of the major sports teams in the region.  For now, it would be nice to know that I'm going to attend at least half a dozen baseball games in 2015 and maybe a hockey game or two.  You can skip the football tickets - there's no power on earth that will make me go see the Washington football team.
  8. Time off.  I am spread thin, partly of my own making.  It would be nice to be able to string several days together soon and not really do anything, and dammit, we are taking a vacation next summer.  But first up, we have to get through the two weeks of winter break - we may have to bring back Parent Camp for several of those days.

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