Sunday, January 24, 2016

Snowzilla 2016 by the numbers

The DMV was slammed with a major snowstorm this weekend.  We got two seasons worth of snow in two days.

100 - the amount of dollars it cost me to get the driveway shoveled.  The best money I ever spent.

41 - the number of Twitter / FB posts during the storm duration.  3 were not storm-related.

36 - number of hours that it snowed, at least.  From 1;15pm until 1:15am Sunday.

23 - the number of inches recorded on the table on the deck - recorded at 11:00pm on Saturday night.

17 - the number of inches recorded at National Airport, the official recording station for the DMV - the number is under scrutiny as they feel they may have not measured correctly.

8 - the number of hours I teleworked on Friday - when the government opened and then closed at noon.

8 - the number of storm-related photos that I posted, 5 from the apocalypse-emptied Shoppers on Thursday night, 1 of knee-high snow, 1 measurement, and 1 of the new deep fat fryer that was purchased to ride out the storm.

5 - the number of times LBA and SoBA went out to play in the snow.

4 - the number of shovels used in clearing the Launchpad.  2 were my own, 2 were brought by the nice folks who came to shovel me out.

4 - the number of onions used to make onion straws on Friday night in the aforementioned new deep fat fryer.

3 - and counting, the number of snow days for LBA and SoBA.  They were off on Thursday after the mini-storm on Wednesday night, then Friday, and school has been canceled for tomorrow.

0 - the number of hours we lost power at the Launchpad, Thanks be to God.

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