- Stop smoking. This may be a moot point, as I quit for my fortieth birthday, two weeks ago). Let's see if I can stay away. When is the next professional meeting?
- Lose weight. Tradition holds, one quits smoking and gains weight. Plus, it's winter and we are not as active. But a new baby, which arrived just two days ago, should help. And I promise to be more diligent about getting to the gym at work when I am back on a normal schedule.
- Read More. I got a bunch of books for Christmas and they are gathering dust on my night table. Which leads me to number 4.
- Establish a better schedule and routine for household chores and other responsibilities. This may require less blogging and my new time suck, Facebook. But we will see. The goal is getting to work earlier and leaving in time to have dinner ready for the family so we can all eat together. With Mrs. BA off for a few months, that may have to wait. And one should not just look at the dirt and think, I really should clean.
- Be a better time manager. Face it, we all procrastinate. I want to be better at my job and be more productive in general. This homeowner thing is very time consuming.
- Be a better husband and father. I think I am doing OK here, but there is always room for improvement. My wife says I spoil my older son, so I would like to avoid some of those same mistakes and try and correct others already committed. I have the best wife in the world, so that first part should be pretty easy, too.
- Be a better person in general. I actually said it out loud the other day . . . I can be a real SOB sometimes. Let's see if I can't be nicer to people this year.
Happy New Year to All!
Each year I try to resolve to make no more resolutions, but my wife keeps putting paid to that. So, like you, I published my list. Check beck with me in 364 days...
ReplyDeleteRather than talk about losing weight, or even giving up smoking for that matter, frame it in terms of improving your health. Eat good food, take regular exercise and you'll be in good enough shape to go for walks with your new son in a few years. Look after your health and your weight will take care of itself.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck in your endeavors! Every year my resolution is the same; to do the best I can. Results may vary. <:\