Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Post Christmas Quiz Answers

Here are the answers to the quiz from last week. Of course, this week, we are all hung over, except those of us who are severely sleep deprived.
  1. Name the last five movies to win the Academy Award for Best Picture.
    • Chicago (2002)
    • The Lord of the Rings (2003)
    • Million Dollar Baby (2004)
    • Crash (2005)
    • The Departed (2006)
  2. Name the last five major party candidates who ran for President and LOST.
    • Michael Dukakis (1988)
    • George H. W. Bush (1992)
    • Bob Dole (1996)
    • George W. Bush (2000) - oh, wait . . .
    • John Kerry (2004)
  3. Name the last five countries to become members of the United Nations (Hint: all became members between 2000 and 2006.)
    • Tuvalu (2000)
    • Serbia (2000)
    • Switzerland (2002)
    • Timor-Leste (2002)
    • Montenegro (2006)
  4. Name the last five teams to win the World Series (or lose?) (winners listed first)
    • Anaheim Angels vs. San Francisco Giants (2002)
    • Florida Marlins vs. New York Yankees (2003)
    • Boston Red Sox vs. St. Louis Cardinals (2004)
    • Chicago White Sox vs. Houston Astros (2005)
    • St. Louis Cardinals vs. Detroit Tigers (2006)
  5. Name the last five teams to win the Super Bowl (or lose?) (winners listed first)
    • Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. Oakland Raiders (2003)
    • New England Patriots vs. Carolina Panthers (2004)
    • New England Patriots vs. Philadelphia Eagles (2005)
    • Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Seattle Seahawks (2006)
    • Indianapolis Colts vs. Chicago Bears (2007)
The bonus question came from C in DC, who was watching the game and reported the question out to ADR and me. Even ADR was stumped and that's saying something.
  1. The United States Naval Academy (Jimmy Carter and Roger Staubach)
  2. University of Michigan (Jerry Ford and Tom Brady)
  3. Stanford (Herbert Hoover and John Elway)
and the one you would never get:
4. Miami University of Ohio (Benjamin Harrison and Ben Roethlisberger)

1 comment:

  1. Hope (but doubt) you're getting enough sleep! Congratulations, again & Happy New Year to your whole crew! :) *hugs*
