Thursday, June 26, 2008

My 500th Post!

And now some statistics (most courtesy of sitemeter - you can look at the stats by clicking on the logo on the right).
  • Number of published posts on Order from Chaos: 500
  • Number of posts in the queue in various forms of readiness: 34 (10 scheduled, 14 drafts)
  • Date on which Order from Chaos started: September 5, 2006
  • Today's date: June 26, 2008
  • Number of days this blog has been around: 659
  • This is equivalent to three quarters of a blog post per day.
  • Number of page visits in June 2008 (to date): 1,180
  • Number of page visits in June 2007: 861
  • Number of page views in June 2008 (to date): 1,531
  • Number of page views in June 2007: 1313
  • Average number of visits per day: 50
  • Average number of page views per day: 67
  • High number of visits and page views in June 2008: 74 / 109
  • Most popular blog post (as noted by sitemeter in June, by search term): The World's Hardest Quiz
  • Rank on Google for the post when one searches for the "worlds hardest quiz": 2nd
  • Second most popular blog post (and it has been so since shortly after it was posted): New Jersey Rest Areas (both the quiz and the answers)
  • Rank on Google for the posts when one searches for "new jersey turnpike rest area": 5th (the answers)
  • Location of furthest visitor from the Brave Astronaut console: Australia (David - is that you?)
  • Location of closest visitor from the Brave Astronaut console: lovely downtown Cheverly, MD
  • Number of recipes posted: 85
  • Tags applied to posts "in order of height and popularity" (first five): About Me, 122; News, 108; Recipes, 91; History, 84; Archives, 78


  1. Congrats on the milestone!

    And then I got depressed when I checked my stats and realized that I started a month before you did but am almost fifty posts behind. And that I barely get half your traffic on a good day. Gah.

  2. Congratualtions. I've not made 400 yet, averaging somewhere between 2 & 3 posts a week.

    However what astounds me is the idea of several posts lined up ready to roll. But then I guess archivists are naturally a bit more organised than the rest of us

  3. Amy - Remember, it's all about perseverance. And being an archivist-in-training, it's also about longevity and getting lots of people to come and read. It's like when an artist dies, it's only then that their stuff is worth something :)

    Kim - What you lack in quantity, you more than make up for in quality. Anybody can throw up a recipe or a presidential biography, but it is your posts that one can take inspiration from. Part of the reason I have so many in the hopper is that I have recipes and presidents posts already written. It's really not as impressive as it sounds.

    But thanks to you both for the nice wishes.
