Thursday, July 5, 2007

A. to the I. Q. (Answers to the Initials Quiz)

So how'd you do? Here are the answers. And if you liked it, don't worry, I've got more. It seems that people have been able to get most of them, with the exception of number 9.

  1. 366 D. in a L. Y. - 366 Days in a Leap Year
  2. 5 T. on a F. - 5 Toes on a Foot
  3. 3 S. (S., M., and L.) - 3 Sizes (Small, Medium, and Large)
  4. 100 Y. on a F. F. - 100 Yards on a Football Field
  5. 360 D. in a C. - 360 Degrees in a Circle
  6. 2000 P. in a T. - 2000 Pounds in a Ton
  7. 7 B. for S. B. - 7 Brides for Seven Brothers
  8. 3 L. P. - 3 Little Pigs
  9. 144 I. in a G. - 144 Items in a Gross
  10. 26 L. of the A. - 26 Letters of the Alphabet
  11. 12 S. of the Z. - 12 Signs of the Zodiac
  12. 54 C. in a D. (with the J.) - 54 Cards in a Deck (with the Jokers)
  13. 88 P. K. - 88 Piano Keys
  14. 13 S. on the A. F. - 13 Stripes on the American Flag
  15. 3 S. Y. O. at the O. B. G. (3 Strikes, Your Out at the Old Ball Game)

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