Here's a list, numbered one to fifty with some facts about the Brave Astronaut.
- Time difference (1 hour) between home and Bermuda, where the Brave Astronaut and his siblings traveled earlier this year to scatter our parents ashes, in accordance with their final wishes.
- Number of Brave Astronaut children - LBA (who turns 13 on Christmas Day) and SoBA (who turns 10! on the 30th).
- How many siblings I have - I'm the youngest.
- Number of book ideas I have in my head: one novel, one historical fiction, and two non-fiction books - I have about 200 pages of the novel written and outlines for the other three.
- The number of permanent members on the United Nations Security Council that hold veto power (the US, Russia, China, France, and the United Kingdom). In high school, I was a member of the Model UN Club and attended several mock UN meetings.
- The number of years between me and my next sibling.
- My house number of my home growing up.
- The number of places I have lived: Syosset, NY, Albany, NY for school (2 different dorms at the University at Albany, Poughkeepsie, NY (first an apartment, then a house), and three places in Maryland (Bethesda, Rockville, and our current home in Cheverly).
- The number of cars I have owned (I think that's right): a 1982 Mercury Zephyr, a Nissan Sentra, a Mazda 323, a Mazda 626 hatchback, a Mazda Protege, my mother's old Ford Taurus, a Volvo sedan (bought on the Internet - don't do that), a Mazda 5, and the current Brave Astronaut Clan Car - a Kia Sorento
- The number of US Presidents under which I have lived - and I hope to make it to number 11 sooner rather than later.
- The number that remains when you subtract my mother's age when she passed (76) and my father's age (87) on his death earlier this year.
- Number of emails currently in my work email box
- Number of cards in a suit of playing cards (ace-king). I enjoy playing cards, specifically a family game known as Liverpool, a contract rummy game.
- The number of years between me and my oldest sibling.
- The number of rooms, including the side porch, foyer, and attic at the Launchpad.
- In 2018, the number of years that I will have been married to Mrs. BA
- The atomic number of chlorine, which is used to keep the Cheverly Pool clean. This year, I was elected as President of the Board of the pool.
- The number of years that I have been organizing baseball outings to my national professional organization (the Society of American Archivists) - Since 1999, I have brought about 1500 archivists to 20 baseball games over the past 16 years (for three conferences there was no baseball to be had and for 4 of the meetings, we went to more than one game). In 2018, JAL Tours will be putting together the 17th Annual / 22nd Game SAA Baseball event here in Washington DC.
- The number of national professional Annual Meetings (Society of American Archivists) I have attended since becoming a professional archivist.
- The number of either elected or appointed positions that I have held or currently hold - I have been active in my profession an well as in my community.
- The number of years I have been an archivist (the Rockefeller Archive Center for 6 years, the International Monetary Fund Archives for 4 years and my current position at the National Archives for the past 11)
- Approximate number of people in the United States that share my last name - and they are all related to me.
- How many years I have been playing golf.
- The number of people in my extended family (one mother-in-law, 8 related to Mrs. BA, 7 on my side, and 4 in the Brave Astronaut Clan).
- The estimated number of primary characters in The West Wing, one of my favorite television shows of all time. Jed Bartlet is my President!
- The number of people who have not yet replied to the invitation of the Brave Astronaut Clan to our New Year's Day Open House - if you're in the neighborhood, you should come by!
- The number of states in the United States that I have visited (from west to east: CA, AZ, CO, NM, TX, LA, WI, IL, OH, AL, ME, NH, VT, MA, NY, RI, CT, NJ, PA, DE, MD, WV, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL)
- The age at which Billy Joel released The Stranger. Billy Joel is my favorite artist - I have seen him in concert many times.
- The track from which the Chattanooga Choo Choo departs in the song by Glenn Miller. Songs of the big band era were standard fare for me growing up at home.
- The minimum age requirement for US Senators. I considered politics as a profession.
- The number of flavors sold by Baskin-Robbins. I am a big fan of ice cream.
- How many years have passed since I graduated high school - 1985 - Go Braves!
- The number of reference requests that I have already responded to in this fiscal year, which began in October), it is my primary work responsibility.
- How old I was when I got married to Mrs. BA
- How old Mrs. BA was when she married me (until yesterday we were in that point in time when I was two years younger than Mrs. BA - her birthday is in August and we were married in May)
- The number of strikes one would have to bowl to achieve three perfect games (300-300-300). When I bowled regularly, my average was about 145.
- The approximate number of different golf courses I have played on since I began playing golf.
- The number of slots in a standard roulette wheel. I am serving again as the co-chair for my son's school's Casino Night fundraising night, in February. You should come!
- Number of active members in our local church's men's club, for which I currently serve as President.
- The number of hours in a standard work week - I work full time.
- The title of a song by Dave Matthews, one of Mrs. BA's most favorite bands. When we were first dating, I helped get her really good seats to a Dave Matthews concert at the Meadowlands
- Number of MARAC Meetings that I have attended since becoming a professional archivist
- My lowest golf score for nine holes. Now that I'm 50, I think I should play more golf. I had long ago set a goal of playing consistently in the 90s for 18 holes by the time I was 50.
- The number of characters in the novel that I have been working on, on and off, for the past 10 years or so.
- Number of emails currently in my personal email box
- The number for the next President. And that individual cannot get here soon enough.
- The P-47 Thunderbolt was a World War II fighter plane. My father was constantly building models of planes, ships, figures - although he was fond of tanks, primarily.
- The number of seats available in the chapel where Mrs. BA and I got married. Naturally we invited about 85 people. Seventy showed up.
- The uniform number of Ron Guidry, longtime New York Yankees pitcher. I have loved baseball for years, played a little, watched a lot, and coached both LBA and SoBA's teams.
- Slang for the police - something I think I can say I've never run afoul of, except for speeding tickets and the occasional camera tickets.
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